The machine-building industry of Kazakhstan attracts more and more attention of the German and Austrian business
On February 22, 2023, at the Embassy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Germany, with the support of the Eastern Committee of the German Economy, a round table was held on the possibility of further deepening cooperation between Kazakhstan and Germany in the field of machinery industry, which was attended by about 40 representatives of German industry associations, business and the expert community.

The main report was made by the Chairman of the Board of the Association of Legal Entities “Associaton of Kazakhstan Machinery Industry” Pshembaev M.K., who noted that machinery industry is one of the priority sectors of the economy of the Kazakhstan.

In particular, the volume of production in this sector increased nine times from 2010 to 2022, from 750 million to 6.8 billion US dollars. Labor productivity over this period increased 5.5 times, from 4.5 thousand to 25 thousand dollars per person, and the volume of exports increased twelve times, from 330 million dollars to 3.9 billion dollars. These figures are expected to double by 2028.
At the end of the event, the participants were invited to the XI Forum of Kazakhstan Machinery Manufacturers, as well as to the leading industry exhibition “Kazakhstan Machinery Fair 2023”, which will be held on May 10-12, 2023 in Astana, Kazakhstan.
Also on the sidelines of the round table, a number of meetings were held with representatives of German companies working in the field of machinery industry, production and supply of equipment, as well as with the head of the department for foreign economics, trade and customs of the German Automobile Industry Association (VDA) Angela Mans. Thus, the Chairman of the Board of Shareholders of the CLAAS Group, Katrina Klaas-Mühlhäuser, said that the CLAAS machinery plant, launched in Petropavlovsk in 2021, has assembled more than 400 pieces of equipment in 2 years. This year it is planned to produce another 478 tractors, combines, seeders, reapers and other types of agricultural machines.

Promising aspects of cooperation also became the main topic of the meeting of Mr. Pshembaev M.K. together with the Ambassador of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the Republic of Austria Mr. Bakaev A.A. with the leadership of the Association of Metaltechnology Industries. During the meeting, the deepening of relations in the machinery industry was discussed.