More than 636 machine-building enterprises as member;
Association is accredited by the Ministry of Industry and Infrastructural development of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Ministry of Trade and Integration of the Republic of Kazakhstan and Atameken National Chamber of Commerce;
17 regional offices across Kazakhstan;
Annual Kazakhstan Machinery Industry Forum Organizer;
Our Vision:
- Support and Development of the domestic machine-building industry, consolidation of domestic machine-building enterprises;
Our Mission:
- Achievement of the competitive and export-oriented level by domestic machine-building enterprises;
Foreign cooperation ties;
With 13 machinery associations from Europe and Asia;
1 | The Manufacturing Technologies Association | UK |
2 | VDMA-Mechanical Engineering Association | Germany |
3 | Chamber of trade and industry for CIS countires | Czech Republic |
4 | Evolen-Oil an Gas companies association | France |
5 | Korea Association of Machinery Industry- KOAMI | Korea |
6 | Federation of Italian Associations of Mechanical and Engineering akin-ANIMA | Italy |
7 | New Technologies in the Gas Industry | Russia |
8 | «Mezogepyardok-Hungarian Association of Agricultural machinery manufacturers | Hungary |
9 | Metal Technology Austria | Austria |
10 | Memorandum in the field of mechanical engineering with the AFM-Spanish Association of Machine Tool Manufacturers | Spain |
11 | Memorandum of Cooperation in the field of mechanical engineering with the Finnish Federation of Sectoral Technologies | Finland |
12 | Memorandum of cooperation in the field of mechanical engineering with the National Association of Agricultural Equipment Manufacturers of the Republic of Hungary | Hungary |
13 | Memorandum of Cooperation with the Association “Machine-Building Cluster of the Republic of Tatarstan” | New Town, Tatarstan, Russia |

Over the past 10 years of industrialization in mechanical engineering, the volume of production increased by 4.8 times, investment-by 2.9 times, the volume of exports increased by 3.5 times.
The volume of production in the machine-building industry for the period January-December 2020 amounted to 1,807. 4 billion tenge. At the same time, the share of machine-building was 14% in the manufacturing industry and 7% in the entire industry of Kazakhstan. IFI -116.3%, amounting to 1.8 trillion tenge in monetary terms.
In January-April 2021, the volume of production in mechanical engineering reached 648.2 billion tenge in monetary terms and increased by 25.4% compared to January-April 2020 (517.1 billion tenge). The IFO of the industry’s production amounted to 120.6% compared to the same period in 2020.
* Source: Office of National Statistics ASPiR RK

Over the past 10 years of industrialization in mechanical engineering, the volume of investment has grown 2.9 times.
Over the years of industrialization, the country has attracted world industry leaders General Electric, General Motors, Toyota, Alstom, and Talgo.
The first five-year plan of industrialization was marked by the implementation of large industrial projects, the second stage is the strengthening of the share of SMEs, the implementation of the third five-year plan of industrialization will create a competitive manufacturing industry and solve the problems of increasing the export of processed products, technologically complicate the products, create high-quality jobs.
* Source: Office of National Statistics ASPiR RK

In January-March 2021, the volume of exports of machine-building products of Kazakhstan amounted to 277.1 million US dollars, and decreased by 11.9% compared to the same period last year (January-March 2020 – 247.7 million US dollars).
In January-March 2021, in the machine-building industry, the export of lead batteries increased 2.2 times, the export of other fittings increased by 12%, however, the export of vehicles with an internal combustion engine with spark ignition and reciprocating piston movement decreased by 75.4%, bogies and axles for railway transport-by 44.6%, bearings with cylindrical rollers – by 37.5%.
* Source: Office of National Statistics ASPiR RK

Positive dynamics of production growth is observed in all sectors of the industry.
The increase in the production of electrical equipment for the specified period is associated with an increase in the production of electrical transformers, batteries and capacitors, the increase in the production of motor vehicles is associated with an increase in the production of cars, trucks and buses.
The production of machinery and equipment not included in other categories increased due to the growth in the production of centrifugal pumps, heat exchange devices and refrigeration equipment.
Also, the growth in the production of non-self-propelled freight cars was 4.8 times higher than in the same period last year.
* Source: Office of National Statistics ASPiR RK
Every year, with the support of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Association of Kazakhstan Machinery Industry together with the Ministry of Industry and Infrastructure Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan holds a Forum of Machine Builders of Kazakhstan.
The Forum of Machine Builders of Kazakhstan is a real dialogue platform for the government and business.
– Over 1000 delegates including heads of leading Kazakhstani and foreign (from more than 30 countries) machine-building enterprises, representatives of central state bodies, quasi-public sector, development institutions, business associations and large consumers of engineering products;
– Attracting investments and innovations, creating cooperation ties;
– В2В meetings, coworking, networking;
– Proposals for the further development of the industry.