“Amendments have been made to the Rules for the Attestation of Experts”

Amendments have been made to the Rules for attestation of experts who conducts expert works and engineering services in the spheres of architecture, urban planning and construction.

Annotation to the document: Order No. 242 of the Minister for Investments and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan on 27th April 2017 “On Amendments to Order No. 114 of the Minister of the National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan on 27th November, 2014″ On Approval of the Rules for Attestation of Experts Conducting Expert Works and Engineering Services in the sphere of architecture, urban planning and construction” at the following link:

http: //www.zakon.kz/4862212-vneseny-izmenenija-v-pravila-attestacii.html

Source: http://www.zakon.kz